You just continue to impress me.... through the many years that I've known you, you have never ceased to amaze me with your knowledge and understanding of financial issues. I have always been able to depend on you for answers to my many questions, even though sometimes I don't like them. But you have always been terrific and I so much appreciate you, thank you for being there for me and the association that I represent. May you and your family stay well and healthy and enjoy the coming holiday season.
Carl Forrest, LCAM
Nicole, thank you for your time this afternoon. We are fortunate to have you as our Auditor, and our Financial Advisor. Your wisdom, availability, and patience are deeply appreciated. Even when your lights went out, you still hang in there with us.
Paul Mullings
Dear Nicole,
On behalf of our Members and BOD of Mayan Towers South, we want to thank you for another well Prepared, Professional, and Passionate Presentation. Once again you were the Highlight of our Annual Meeting! We really appreciate you giving up your Personal Time to be with us in the evening.
Thank You! Gil
Nicole and Bill,
The Palm Beach Community Managers Association would like to thank you for presenting the power-point class at The Stratford Condominium on Wednesday. We know how busy you are so we especially appreciate the time it took to teach the class, answer questions for the managers, and make it so much fun with all your great little gifts!
The evaluations that were handed in by the audience were all marked "Excellent" and the presentation was totally relevant to our jobs as managers, as you could tell by the many questions we had! It was so good to see you and once again, many thanks for taking the time to present your presentation for our licensed managers.
Cheryl Hoste, PCAM - Education Chairperson
Palm Beach Community Managers Association, Inc.
We use Hafer & Company, CPA’s & Consultants. Nicole Johnson-Pendergrass, CPA/Partner is our main contact. We have been with them for three years. We’re very happy and they have been absolutely fantastic.
Hafer does six annual audits for us - the Master POA, four Condominium Associations and another POA. Their staff is great and the audit planning and delivery of work product has always been excellent and on time. The majority of their clients are associations and clubs, so they really know our business and ensure we’re using best practices.
Another big benefit has been Nicole’s impact and respect she has received from our multiple Finance Committees and Board Members. Her professionalism and presentation skills are excellent. Her reviews and interactions have created a high degree of confidence in our financial operations and reporting.
Hafer has also done some great work several financial consulting projects for us a well, which involved major financing and construction projects.
These guys are great – please give them a call !!
Hi Nicole,
Thanks for your work on the 2017 audit of the Juno Bay Colony financial statements. We appreciate your professionalism and attention on this engagement.
Your participation in our annual meeting was both warmly received with the board and condo owners. Your expertise helped clarify many of the questions our residents had. Again, many thanks.
As my last remaining hours approach as a board member, I wanted to thank you for all the support and help you gave me over the years. I appreciate your professionalism and knowledge, and I have learned a lot from you. If I can be of any help to you in the future, just let me know.
All the best,
Dear Nicole,
On behalf of the Royal Saxon Board of Directors, I would like to thank you for taking the time to attend our board meeting. Your review of the 2009 audit was very well presented and informative.
The board looks forward to working with you during 2010, which will be another busy, productive and successful year at the Royal Saxon.
Ed Shipek
Dear Ms. Johnson,
Thank you for attending the Board of Directors meeting last night. Your presentation to Sandpebble Beach Club Condominium members regarding the above referenced matter [2009 audit] was both enlightening and informative. Your knowledge of the financial stability of the association as well as Florida Statute 718 was apparent.
We look forward to working with you in future audits.
Ray Basante
Property Manager
Email from operations manager at 1st United Bank to Glenn Mangan of GWM Property Management:
"BTW, you've got a great company in Hafer and fabulous accountant in Nicole."
"Speaking on behalf of the board, we appreciate your professionalism…don't always find such characteristics in one firm. You are a pleasure…"
Embassy Park
Dear Nicole:
I am pleased to advise you that CIRA section - Conference Planning Committee was selected as an Outstanding Committee for 2009-2010. As a member of the committee, you are among the award recipients who will be recognized at the Institute's Annual Meeting of the Members and Board of Governors. This meeting is being held in conjunction with this year's Annual Convention at the Naples Grande Beach Resort, June, 2010.
Congratulations on receiving this honor!
Kathryn B. Anderson, CAE
CEO-Executive Director
Dear Nicole,
We're so happy that you were able to provide our group of managers with another important and informative presentation on your industry.
While I did not get the benefit of seeing some of the comments on the course evaluations, I can tell you that I did get positive feedback from some of the attendees. You kept the subject interesting, and did not get bogged down in terminology that would allow the mind to wander.
We hope that you will continue to provide us with timely courses, and subject matter that stays fresh and different. Please keep me posted on any new courses you get approved by the State for the CAM licensees.
I hope you found your vendor booth activity to be substantial. You will benefit next year, as you will receive advance notice of the event before it goes public. Get your booth location and check in as quickly as you can.
Again, thank you so much.
Donna Crandall, LCAM Vice
President, Education Coordinator
Dear Mr. Hafer,
I am the President of the Madison Green Master Association, Inc. Madison Green recently had Nicole Johnson from Hafer and Company complete our 2012 audit and prepare our 2012 tax return. The process was very smooth and we were very happy with the outcome.
The reason I am writing to you is to let you know that Nicole Johnson is an exceptional individual with a very strong knowledge of the HOA rules of accounting. Nicole had made multiple recommendations to our board at the time of our audit. During a board meeting a couple of months ago, we motioned to approve her recommendations to adopt a Bad Debt Policy, a Fraud Response Plan, a Fixed Asset Capitalization Policy, and to obtain a current Reserve Study. The board couldn't approve the motions as there were many questions and concerns. We called Nicole and asked her to attend our June board of directors meeting. At that meeting, she was able to clearly and precisely answer all questions posed to her in a respectful and meaningful manner. With her assistance, the board was able to adopt all three policies and go ahead with the Reserve Study. Without her help we would not have been able to proceed.
Nicole is a positive asset to your firm, and we encourage you to do whatever is necessary to keep her with your firm. We look forward to a long relationship with Hafer and Company.
Eileen Feiertag
MGMA President
You never cease to amaze me!
Thank you for the outstanding presentation you conducted for our staff.
It was truly an informative and enjoyable opportunity for all.
Scot and I are truly appreciative of your efforts.
Theresa and Scot
Century Management Consultants, Inc.
I appreciate your comments today. Your experience with the difficulties of condominium management, and possible solutions, is extraordinary.
Dear Nicole,
Thank you so much for giving us some of your precious personal time. Our board and membership always look forward to your presentation. You are the highlight of our meetings. Thanks You!
Best Personal Regards,
Condo Owner
Dear Sirs:
I am writing in my capacity as President of the Board of The Dorchester, Inc., to express our appreciation for the service provided with regard to our late tax filings.
Not only did you submit the returns for 2013-2016 with little delay, you convinced the Florida Department of Revenue to waive $1,200.00 of penalties! That is extraordinary service and went a long way to re-establish our financial circumstances on a proper path.
Thank you again for being such an esteemed partner!
Very truly yours,
John Dragisic
President The Dorchester, Inc.